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Get to Know Us

Our Vision

That all people are connected to their ancestors from Mexico.

Our Mission

To make a positive, lasting impact on the lives of families.

Our Company

Find Relatives In Mexico (FRIM) believes all families should be connected. how to find someone in mexicoWhen relatives live in Mexico, we believe in providing essential services to those who have given up and lost hope. By identifying and locating their relatives, we become the catalyst to change the lives of families around the world by introducing them to their Hispanic heritage.

Find Relatives In Mexico specializes in finding parents, grandparents and other adult relatives living in Mexico. Too often, family members as well as genealogists struggle to move forward with their desire to know their ancestors from Mexico. Others simply want to know how to find a relative living in Mexico. No matter the goal, people often are using inaccurate information that can prevent them from ever finding that special person or learn more about their Hispanic heritage.

25 Years of Success

We have helped reunite more than 10,113 families with their Mexican relatives. We have reunited people from Ireland, Australia, Germany and many other countries around the world.

We also work with several government agencies and organizations such as:

How to find someone in mexico

Why You Need Help

You may be thinking that it's so easy to find someone in the U.S. and you would be right. However, the truth is that nearly 85% of personal information on Mexican residents is not available online.

find a person in Mexico

Much of the available data is limited to secondary information, such as birth and marriage records, and not current listings with names, addresses and phone numbers. When you don't have access to this information, often your relatives cannot be found.

Articles About and By Find Relatives In Mexico

You can see articles on that have been written on how to find someone in Mexico and our successes. These articles have been carried in newspapers, magazines and Internet sites around the world such as:

find someone in Mexico    how to find a person in Mexico

Meet Our Founder

find people in mexico Richard Villasana, Founder of Find Relatives In Mexico, is the leading expert and international authority on finding relatives in Mexico.

"Years ago (pre-Internet) when I was working in Mexico, I learned I had a real talent for finding key government officials for U.S. and foreign clients. Then some associates started to ask me to find a relative. That was the start of Find Relatives In Mexico twenty-five years ago."

Richard has been interviewed by EFE, the world's largest Spanish media company, and profiled in the San Diego Business Journal, newspapers in the U.S., Mexico, and Spain and online on MSN Latino and Yahoo! en Español about his expertise in locating family members in Mexico. He has spent 20 years living and working in Mexico. He was a university professor at UABC, Tijuana, B.C. and has given presentations at some of Mexico’s largest institutions including IMSS (Seguro Social), SSA and ISSSTE.

"My biggest vice is Dr. Pepper. I can be talked into a lot of things with offers of a great hamburger pizza. I love traveling and a good hike. And it's not uncommon for me to be working at 3:00am especially if it's something that will help foster children."


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Discover the 5 simple steps to take so you can reconnect with your relative or friend in Mexico.

In this FREE 5-STEP ACTION PLAN, you'll...

  • Get step-by-step instructions
      on the information you must have
      to find this person.
  • Discover why search engines
      aren't your only resource.
  • Identify key information that you
      may have overlooked so you can
      find your relative.

and much more so you'll have the right information to find your relative or friend.


We promise to never sell, share
or give away your personal information.

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Find Relatives In Mexico
9450 Mira Mesa Blvd, Suite C520  San Diego, California 92126 USA
Phone: 619.632.5443   Fax: 617.608.2381