Privacy Policy
What personally identifiable information does Find Relatives In Mexico collect from me?
Find Relatives In Mexico does not collect personally identifiable information from our users, although our server log files collect individual URLs.
What are cookies and how does Find Relatives In Mexico use them?
A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. We don't use cookies. You have choices with respect to cookies.
By modifying your browser preferences, you have the choice to accept all cookies,
to be notified when a cookie is set, or to reject all cookies. Find Relatives In Mexico
only collects IP addresses for system administration.
How does Find Relatives In Mexico use my information?
Find Relatives In Mexico uses data provided to us from our server log files to provide aggregated information useful only to Find Relatives In Mexico. We do not give out any information to other affiliates or companies.
Who is collecting information?
Find Relatives In Mexico collects information only through its server log files.
Please be aware that web sites that have links on our site may collect personally identifiable information about you. This privacy statement does not cover the information practices of those web sites linked to Find Relatives In Mexico.
Promotions that run on Find Relatives In Mexico may be sponsored by companies other than Find Relatives In Mexico or may be cosponsored by Find Relatives In Mexico and another company. Some or all data collected during a promotion may be shared with the sponsor. If data will be shared, you will be notified prior to the time of data collection or transfer. You can decide not to participate in the promotion if you don't want your data to be shared.
With whom does Find Relatives In Mexico share my information?
Your privacy is respected and we will never rent or sell your personal info. You can remove yourself from our mailing list at any time.
What are my choices regarding collection, use, and distribution of my
On some types of Find Relatives In Mexico promotions, we will ask for your email
address in order to update you on your score, entries, or status in prize
drawings. When you participate in these types of promotions, you automatically
receive promotion-related email, unless you choose the no-email option that some
promotions offer.
Find Relatives In Mexico does not sell or rent user information to anyone.
We will notify you at the time of data collection or transfer if your data will be
shared with a third party and you will always have the option of not permitting
the transfer. If you do not wish to allow your data to be shared, you can choose
not to use a particular service or not to participate in certain promotions or
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Discover the 5 simple steps to take so you can reconnect with your relative or friend in Mexico.
In this FREE 5-STEP ACTION PLAN, you'll...
• Get step-by-step instructions on the information you must have to find this person.
• Discover why search engines aren't your only resource.
• Identify key information that you may have overlooked so you can find your relative.
and much more so you'll have the right information to find your relative or friend.
We promise to never sell, share
or give away your personal information. |